Why train

Training is part of our commitment to continuously supply industry leading automation solutions to clients all over the globe. Lime has trained over 5000 installers globally, and continues to train more on a regular basis.
By completing our training courses and gaining certification at one of our International training centers, system integrators can attain skills, knowledge, and added confidence.


Before any integrator installs a Lime international product or system, they must first complete a compulsory training program. If you wish to register for a training session, please contact your local authorized training center, which can be found here


  • KNX Basic course
  • KNX Advanced course
  • KNX Tutor course
  • Product course
  • Design and installation courses

Training benefits:

  • Quality training involving both practical and theoretical components
  • A software license for ETS Lite software
  • Discount on the purchase of ETS professional when you pass the course.
  • The right to use the KNX logo in your marketing (subject to terms and conditions of the knx association)
  • Entry on the KNX international website of certified persons (once you have passed the course)
  • The right to become a KNX partner